Page 32 - Golf Champion - January 2020
P. 32


         Establishing Better

         Biomechanics Off the Course                                 by Mac Powell, Ph.D.
                                                                     • PGA Master Professional
                                                                     •   Dean of The National University
         코스를 벗어나 더 나은 생체역학 구축                                         Golf Academy

           f winter weather is limiting the time you are spending on the   effective for long-term change to use many and varied small pe-
         Icourse or practice tee, use your time indoors to improve your   riods of rehearsal and feedback (rather than procrastinating and
         biomechanics.  Whether you’re trying to modify your full swing,   trying to alter a movement with a longer session). Lots of rep-
         pitching, or chipping, utilizing some basic sport psychology and   etitions broken up over time, and under varying circumstances
         biomechanics practices can yield significant improvements when   and levels of awareness, will lead to quicker and more permanent
         you return to the course.                            change.
         The most important thing to do as you develop a plan to improve   Practice the movement that you are trying to master in the mir-
         your game is to understand the key changes that are required   ror (or with video) as often as possible. I had a student who was
         to improve (and assess whether you have the strength and flex-  working diligently to keep his hands more forward at impact
         ibility to make the change or transition). I always recommend   with his irons, and if he was in an elevator or a department store
         consulting with a PGA Professional and someone with expertise   or anywhere with a mirror, he’d spend ten or twenty seconds in
         in physical training to ensure that you are capable of a particular   the reflection rehearsing. Here are some examples of movements
         swing evolution. Choosing the “right” thing to focus on can save   that my students have improved because of their work off the
         you tremendous frustration and time in getting the most out of   course:
         your game.                                           •  Feeling the hands properly square the clubface six inches before
         Once you have identified the one biomechanical change that will   and after impact (while in their golf posture).
         offer the most long-term benefit to your game, break down the   •  Taking the club away in a single piece (not letting the hands pull
         skills required to achieve the change into tiny movements of the   the club away without moving the shoulders).
         body that can be rehearsed in practice. With the movement well   •  Feeling the lower body transition its weight as the club begins
         understood, use small periods of visualization and rehearsal dai-  to slow in the backswing.
         ly. Put in small units of time. It will pay dividends. It’s much more   If you note the language I’ve used, the word “feeling” appears

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