Page 36 - Golf Champion - July 2020
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where I don't have to worry about food, transportation, convey my sincere thanks in words that the audience
currency exchange or time zone. Or I could have gone could understand.
to the LPGA's qualifying school, an organization that
must communicate in English to challenge myself on After finishing the speech, there was an overwhelm-
the world's best stage. I was nervous and a little afraid ing round of applause. It was a tearful moment and
of everything else besides golf. an unforgettable moment. My English will get better
this year. When I win again, I would like to express my
If I hadn't chosen the hard and uncertain path earli- gratitude with full expression.
er in my childhood, could I have played in the LPGA?
Maybe I would have never had a chance to win the The road I have walked so far has not been easy or
2019 U.S. Women's Open or win the Louise Suggs Rolex comfortable. But the path that is worthy always does.
Rookie of the Year award. I’m only 24 years old but It's a lesson I learned a long
time ago.
I am still not comfortable because I am not good at
English. I felt sorry for reporters for my English skills 든 삶에는 전환점이 있고, 선택의 갈림길이 있다. 눈 앞에
throughout my rookie year. It's a little better now, but 모보이는 넓고 안전하며 쭉 뻗은 길을 택할지, 아니면 결말
it's still not there yet. That's why I became emotional 을 예측하기 어려운 좁고 울퉁불퉁하며 굽이친 길을 선택할지
when I delivered the rookie award speech at the Ro- 는 온전히 나의 몫이다. 하지만 당시에는 선택의 중요성을 깨닫
lex Awards last fall. Since the start of the tour, I prac- 지 못하는 경우가 많다. 목적지에 도착해서야 비로소 그 여정이
ticed my speech for three months, memorizing English 얼마나 큰 차이였는지를 깨닫게 된다.
words and phrases that were unfamiliar and exotic. It
was important for me to give the speech in English, to 나는 9살에 골프를 시작했다. 아버지의 지인이3636셨던 티칭프
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