Page 52 - Golf Champion - SEPTEMBER 2020
P. 52


           Small and convenient rangefinder 'Fine Caddie UPL100'

              Maximize convenience with pin-separated smart vibration notification

                              작고 편리한 거리측정기 '파인캐디 UPL100'

                                    핀 구분 스마트 진동 알림 기능 통해 편의성 극대

          To  be  a  trendy  person,  you  must                                 A  Fine  Digital  official  said,  "The
          be keen on trends. That's the only                                    'Pin  Finder'  function  allows  you  to
          way  you  won’t  fall  behind.  If  you                               measure the exact distance because
          have a "Lit" mentality, you will be a                                 it positions the pin once with vibra-
          trendsetter. Lit, which means 'cool',                                 tion  and  informs  you  once  again
          is  from  street  language.  The  "lit                                on  the  screen.  It  is  more  useful  in
          trend"  is  a  cool  trend.  It  features                             situations where your hands shake
          cool  items  that  'people  who  know                                 or there are various objects behind
          how to play' might use.                                               the pin."

                 nowing  the  distance  to  the                                 ◆  Identify  long  distances  with  a
                 pin  is  very  important  for                                  maximum  measurement  distance
          Kreducing scores and making                                           of 1000m
          confident shots in golf. The reason
          is that depending on the distance of  UPL30’,  features  ‘Pin  Finder’  func-  "Fine Caddie UPL100" supports the
          the  pin,  you  can  know  which  club  tion,  which  accurately  recognizes  non-slope mode available in the of-
          you  should  use  and  even  control  the  flagpole  location  of  the  green  ficial KPGA match, and is equipped
          your strength.                     without  being  disturbed  by  sur-  with  an  external  LED  indicator  in-
          If  you  see  "Fine  Caddie  UPL100,"  a  rounding forests or obstacles.  dicating the non-slope mode, mak-
          1,000-meter laser golf distance mea-  The  "Pin  Finder"  function  blinks  ing it easy to check whether the dis-
          suring device focused on improving  the aiming reticle when measuring  tance is straight.
          convenience  recently  released  by  pins, and guides the exact distance  In addition, it is equipped with a 6x
          Fine Digital, you can increase your  with  pin  marks  on  the  screen  and  optical night viewfinder with multi-
          confidence in golf.                two  vibrations  when  completing  film coating to provide a clear view,
          Fine  Caddie  UPL100'  is  easy  to  measurements.                    as well as allowing units of "meter"
          charge  with  USB  Type-C,  which  is  It  helps  to  attack  the  green  by  ac-  and "yard" distances to be set to suit
          accessible with smartphones.       curately  recognizing  the  pin  and  the taste of the switchboard with a
          In  addition,  "Fine  Caddie  UPL100"  positioning  the  pin  even  with  the  single button.
          can  easily  and  quickly  check  dis-  hand movements during the actual  Among  the  various  functions  of
          tance measurement, vertical height,  round.                           "Fine Caddie UPL100," the industry
          and battery remaining amount with  In addition, the pin-separated smart  noted that the maximum measure-
          a  single  button,  and  can  switch  vibration notification provides one  ment of 1,000 meters is impressive.
          modes  freely,  making  it  easier  to  vibration  at  the  end  of  a  normal  "Fine  Caddie  UPL100"  can  mea-
          check  the  distance  depending  on  measurement  and  two  vibrations  sure distances from 3 meters to up
          the terrain and course.            at the end of a Pin Finder measure-  to  1,000  meters,  allowing  accurate
          In particular, ‘Fine Caddie UPL100’,  ment,  making  pin  measurement  measurements of short distances as
          a  follow-up  model  to  ‘Fine  Caddie  easier.                       well as long distances in long holes

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