Page 29 - Golf Champion - August 2021
P. 29

It's  obvious  that  both  players  have  a  powerful  mindset
                                                                and  strong  discipline  that  shows  in  their  amazing
                                                                scores,  so  I  couldn't  resist  asking  for  advice  for  fellow
                                                                high  school  golfers  reading  this  article  and  hoping  to
                                                                someday compete at CIF like them. Liu warns that it is
                                                                "incredibly important to make sure that you are following
                                                                all  of  the  rules  without  a  doubt  when  playing  [at  CIF].
                                                                It  doesn’t  matter  if  you  are  too  tired  or  unsure  about  a
                                                                situation because even the slightest infraction can get you
                                                                disqualified." Kano also shares that her secret weapon is
                                                                to "not have expectations for yourself when you play. It’s
                                                                better to just go into the event knowing you will do your
                                                                best with what you have."

           round actually made playing at CIF less stressful because   For  students  considering  joining  high  school  golf  or
           it made the competition less intimidating," but for Kano,   hoping to improve their game, emulating Liu and Kano's
           only  having  the  opportunity  to  play  at  a  few  18-hole   commitment,  perseverance  and  sportsmanship  may  be
           matches  instead  of  various  9-hole  matches  throughout   the  first  step  in  advancing  to  the  next  step.  In  parting
           the season increased the pressure and stress. "There was   words,  Liu  says,  "I  think  that  one  of  the  best  pieces  of
           less room for error," says Kano.                     advice that my coach gave me this year was to not think

                                                                about anything other than the play in front of you. What
           To  both  players,  playing  at  CIF  is  a  team  effort  made   this  means  is  that  you  need  to  put  your  all  into  your
           possible only by the full commitment of each individual.   next move, whether it be a drive shot, a chip, or a putt.
           "Although golf is mainly considered an individual sport,   If you focus on hitting that one shot perfectly, you will
           every  single  score  matters  for  team  CIF.  I  saw  this   automatically  see  results.  This  really  helped  take  my
           firsthand  when  just  one  stroke  made  the  difference  of   mind off the pressure of the situation and prevented me
           passing on to the next round. Playing at CIF really showed   from worrying about my final score." And to close things
           me that it doesn't matter if a player is having an off-day.   off, here is Kano's advice to all student athletes: "There is
           Everyone needs to play to the best of their ability until   no shortcut through hard work: practice with efficiency
           the end because the score does not need to be their best—  and focus. As an individual on the team, one must play to
           it just needs to be lower than the other teams'," says Liu.   the best of their ability to contribute to the team."
           Kano adds that "the individual needs to be ready to play
           to the best of their ability to contribute to the team effort.   등학생 여자 골프 시즌은 보통 한 학기가 시작하는 가을 즈
           The final result is the effort given by the team as a whole."   고음에 시작합니다. 여학생 골프 선수들은 가을 시즌 동안 한
                                                                목표를 향해 열심히 리그 토너먼트를 다닙니다. 그 목표는 바로
                                                                CIF 플레이 오프에 초대되는 3팀과 12명에 여학생으로 뽑힐 만한
                                                                골프 성적을 쌓는 거죠. CIF 플레이 오프는 남부 캘리포니아와 북
                                                                부 캘리포니아 두 개의 지역 플레이 오프로 나눠져 있으며, 각 섹
                                                                션의 상위 세개 팀과 12명의 개인이 주립 챔피언십에 진출합니다.

                                                                올해 골프 시즌은 코로나19로 인해 몇 가지 변화가 있었습니다.
                                                                우선, 여자 골프 시즌이 가을 시즌에서 봄 시즌으로 연기되는 바
                                                                람에 남자골프시즌과 겹쳤습니다. 또 안전 지침을 따르기 위해 경
                                                                기의 수, 그리고 경기당 참가할 수 있는 여학생의 수도 전 시즌의
                                                                비해 상당히 적었습니다. 보통 CIF와의 가장 큰 차이점은 섹션 스
                                                                테이트 챔피언십 토너먼트 이후 경기가 단축되었다는 점입니다.
                                                                스테이트 챔피언십 토너먼트 후에 한 팀이 스테이트 챔피언이 되
                                                                는 대신에 2개의 섹션 스테이트 챔피언 팀이 있었습니다.

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