Page 28 - Golf Champion - August 2021
P. 28


                                                                                                Jade Bahng
                                                                                        Student Reporter / Troy High Golf Team

              irls  golf  is  usually  a  fall  sport,  with  the  season
          Gbeginning shortly after the start of the new school   The CIF Southern Regional Championship for girls golf
           year. In a normal school year, the girls would compete   was held at Brookside Golf Club in Pasadena on June 15th.
           in league tournaments throughout the season, with the   Troy High School took the spotlight as the talented team
           ultimate goal of being included in the top two teams and   of six secured first place with a score of 378—three shots
           nine  individuals  within  the  league  to  compete  in  the   ahead of Walnut High School. What's more, four players
           regional CIF playoffs. There are two regional playoffs—  on Troy's team placed within the top 26 individuals with
           one  for  Southern  California  and  one  for  Northern   Kamille Dimayuga finishing two over with a score of 73,
           California—which  send  the  top  three  teams  and  12   Hannah  Ulibarri  and  Gabriella  Kano  with  scores  of  75,
           individuals  from  each  section  to  move  onto  the  State   and  Tessa  Lapradez  with  a  score  of  76.  Senior  Kamille
           Championships.                                      Dimayuga  was  also  named  Freeway  League  MVP.  This
                                                               year's  CIF  Southern  Regional  Championship  was  no
           This ar's golf season had some significant changes due to   doubt an interesting experience, so I asked two wonderful
           COVID-19. First off, the girls golf season was postponed   golfers, Jacqueline Liu and Gabriella Kano, to share their
           to the spring and overlapped with the boys golf season.   journey  to  becoming  the  CIF  Southern  Section  State
           There  were  also  fewer  matches  with  fewer  students   Champions!
           playing per match to follow safety guidelines. The main
           difference with CIF was that the matches were cut short   Probably  the  most  pressing  question  for  many  of  my
           after  the  Sectional  State  Championship  Tournament.   fellow  high  school  golfers  is  whether  it  was  more  or
           Instead of one team being crowned State Champion after   less  difficult  to  play  at  CIF  under  such  unprecedented
           the  State  Championship  Tournament,  there  were  two   circumstances.  Surprisingly,  the  two  teammates  had
           Sectional State Champion teams.                     different responses. For Liu, the "cancellation of the final

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