Page 32 - Golf Champion - August 2024
P. 32


                                                                           der, respectively, with two holes to play. A
                                                                           Coughlin bogey on 17 ultimately spelled the
                                                                           end  to  her  major  championship  chances,
                                                                           and when Kyriacou did the same on the par
                                                                           4, it was Furue and Kyriacou who came to
                                                                           the last hole with a chance to win their first
                                                                           major title, sitting in a three-way tie for first
                                                                           with Patty Tavatanakit, who had posted the
                                                                           clubhouse  lead  at  17-under  after  firing  an
                                                                           8-under 63 in the final round.
                                                                           Furue seized the major moment, confident-
                                                                           ly draining her eagle putt to post a 72-hole
                                                                           total of 19-under and become just the fourth
                                                                           Japanese major champion in LPGA Tour his-
                                                                           The victory was Furue’s first since she be-
                                                                           came a Rolex First-Time Winner at the 2022
                                                                           Women’s Scottish Open, a victory that saw
                                                                           her  shoot  a  10-under  62  on  Sunday  to  tri-
                                                                           umph for the first time on Tour. She is the
                                                                           second Japanese player to win a major this
                                                                           season,  joining  Yuka  Saso,  who  captured
                                                                           the  U.S.  Women’s  Open  presented  by  Ally
                                                                           at Lancaster Country Club, and Furue is the
                                                                           sixth player in The Amundi Evian Champi-
                                                                           onship’s  major  history  to  make  this  event
                                                                           their first major victory.
                                                                           Kyriacou ultimately finished solo second af-
                                                                           ter her final-round 67, her career-best finish
                                                                           in  a  major  championship.  Thailand’s  Tav-
                                                                           atanakit matched the low round of the week
                                                                           on Sunday with her 63 and finished in a tie
                                                                           for third, two shots ahead of Coughlin, who
                                                                          finished alone in fourth at 15-under. Repub-
                                                                          lic of Korea native Hae Ran Ryu came fifth
                                                                          with a four-day total of 13-under at Evian Re-
                                                                          sort Golf Club.

                                                                                랑스 — 프랑스의 바스티유 데이에서 펼쳐
                                                                          프진 이번 대회는 역사에 남을 치열한 전투였
                                                                          다. 많은 선수들이 메이저 챔피언이라는 엘리트 그
                                                                          룹에 합류하기 위해 최선을 다해 경쟁했다. 2022년
                                                                          에 LPGA 투어 멤버가 된 이후 여러 번의 아쉬운 순
                                                                          간을 겪었던 아야카 후루에는 마침내 아문디 에비
                                                                          앙 챔피언십 30주년 대회에서 일본 역사상 네 번째
                                                                          LPGA 투어 메이저 타이틀을 차지하며 메이저 챔
                                                                          피언의 영광을 거머쥐었다.

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