Page 34 - Golf Champion - August 2024
P. 34


          Everyone wants to hit the ball farther.

          멀리 공을 치는 방법

          적절한 동작 순서 따라 역동적으로 몸을 꼬고

          임팩트를 통해 엉덩이를 적절하게 펴는 것
                                                                                    By 맥 파웰 박사/PGA Master Member

                ost instructors inevitably mention contact, rotation,   backswing,  it’s  creating  a  dynamic  coil  with  the  proper
           Mand  speed  as  the  critical  elements  in  increased   sequence of motion forward and clearing the hips properly
           distance, yet most players incorrectly believe that limiting   through  impact  (always  with  the  shoulders  trailing  far
           the  rotation  of  the  hips  on  the  backswing  will  produce   behind).
           more torque and power at impact.  When Jim McLean first
                                                               In the sequence of photos below, the student allows the
           introduced the idea of the X-Factor to the public in 1992
                                                               hips to rotate while his shoulders turn.  He is fully coiled
           it  sparked  a  tidal  wave  of  players  trying  to  increase  the
                                                               and  effectively  transfers  his  weight  into  the  right  side.
           difference between the turn of the shoulders and the hips
                                                               From the top, the hips rotate through the shot well before
           at  the  top  of  the  swing.    However,  while  increasing  the   the  shoulders  arrive  at  parallel  to  the  target  line.  The
           turn of the shoulders is ideal, limiting the rotation of the   result of this rotation is a coiling and springing of the core
           hips can have very negative consequences for your swing.     that releases a tremendous amount of power.  He is able to
           Most touring professionals turn their hips about 45-degrees   move back into his left side and his shoulders are nearly
           by the time the club reaches the top of the swing while   square to the target at impact.
           their shoulders continue to rotate to 90-degrees or more.     When players have limited hip rotation, whether through
           Even players with minimal hip rotation, like Tiger Woods   injury or forced restriction, the shoulders inevitably turn
           or Nick Price, turn their hips around 45-degrees.  McLean   less through the backswing and the weight and center of
           has since gone on to revise his notion of the X-Factor by   gravity stay too much on the left side.  The swing becomes
           focusing upon stretch, hip rise, and head swivel-but the   restricted and as the player rotates the shoulders through
           key  to  improving  distance  isn’t  limiting  the  hips  on  the   impact from a very limited turn, they are almost always

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